Is WestCol Registered?

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Is WestCol Registered?

Is WestCol Registered? How many TVET colleges are in the North West?

A person’s academic journey and future employment opportunities are greatly influenced by the educational institution they attend. To guarantee the legitimacy and calibre of instruction offered by WestCol, it is imperative to verify its registration status. Let us examine if WestCol is an establishment that is registered.

Knowing How to Register with WestCol: How many TVET colleges are in the North West?

WestCol is a recognised institution, yes. WestCol, being a public further education and training (FET) college, functions in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the Department of Higher Education and Training in South Africa. Through this registration, the government’s mandated standards and requirements are met by the institution.

Benefits of Registration at WestCol

  • Quality Assurance:

Registration signifies that WestCol meets established standards, ensuring the delivery of quality education and training aligned with national benchmarks.

  • Valid Credentials:

Graduating from a registered institution like WestCol ensures that your qualifications and credentials hold weight and validity in the job market and further education pursuits.

  • Eligibility for Funding:

Registration allows the institution to participate in government funding programs, providing students with financial aid options like NSFAS for eligible students.

Application Process To Westcol Tvet College

All documents must be certified copies of the originals with a six-month certification period.

Please make sure the documents are scanned in PDF format:

  • Proof of residency: DHET certificate ID document/statement of results/latest school report/grade 12 certificate/statement of results
  • You’ll receive an email with an update on your status after you’ve submitted your documents.
  • Before applying, please read the minimal requirements.
  • If there are insufficient student numbers, Westcol reserves the right to terminate a program or move it to another school.
  • We will communicate with you by email, so you must have an active e-mail address.
  • To ensure that you do not miss any communications, you must check your email frequently.

How to Confirm WestCol’s Registration

  • Official Website:

Visit WestCol’s official website and navigate to sections such as ‘About Us’ or ‘Accreditation’ to find information about the institution’s registration.

  • Government Databases:

Check the South African Department of Higher Education and Training’s official databases or registries for a list of registered FET colleges, which should include WestCol.

  • Contact the Institution:

If you seek further clarification, contact the administrative office at WestCol. They should be able to confirm the institution’s registration status.

The Significance of Registration of Westcol Tvet College

Knowing that WestCol is a registered institution gives you confidence that the education you receive there is accredited and acknowledged. It denotes adherence to quality assurance procedures and adherence to educational standards, giving students access to a respectable and legitimate learning environment.

WestCol, a recognised FET college, is dedicated to offering top-notch instruction and promoting academic advancement inside the parameters established by the South African Department of Higher Education and Training. By ensuring that the institution satisfies national educational standards, this registration offers students a reliable and authentic educational path. Examining the institution’s credibility is necessary when making an informed choice about your academic path. Verifying the registration status of WestCol aids in a more confident and reliable educational endeavour. APPLY NOW 


Contact Details Of Western Tvet College


Phone: 011 692 4004/82

Location: 42 Johnstone Street, RANDFONTEIN

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