SA TVET Colleges

Is Distance Learning Available at Motheo TVET College

Is Distance Learning Available at Motheo TVET College

which courses are still available at motheo tvet college, Is Distance Learning Available at Motheo TVET College

The need for flexible and accessible education has increased significantly in the fast-paced world of today. Many find it difficult to attend regular on-campus programmes, whether they are parents, working professionals, or have other obligations. This is where distance learning saves the day by providing a more practical means of obtaining a licence or certificate. We are going to determine if Motheo College provides a distance learning programme in response to a frequently asked question: “Does Motheo College have distance learning options?”

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Does Motheo TVET College Allow Distance Programs

  • NO

The college does not provide distance learning programmes at this time. You can read about additional campus programmes below;

Motheo TVET College Regular Programs

these are the programs the college is offering. know the requirements above and decide which one you qualify to apply;


Business & Utility Studies

  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Finance, Economics and Accounting
  • Office Administration
  • Education and Development
  • Hospitality
  • Tourism
  • Safety in Society
  • Transport & Logistics

Engineering Studies

  • Engineering & Related Design
  • Electrical Infrastructure Construction
  • Civil Engineering Construction
  • Information Technology and Computer Science

REPORT 191 (N1 – N6)

Engineering Studies (N1 – N6)

  • Electrical Engineering (Heavy & Light current)
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Motor Engineering
  • Metalwork Engineering
  • Civil Engineering

Practical Skills & Artisan Training

Business Studies (N4 – N6)

  • Business Management
  • Clothing Production
  • Educare
  • Financial Management
  • Human Resources Management
  • Management Assistant
  • Marketing Management
  • Visual Arts and Design

Occupational Programmes

  • Services Seta: FET Certificate Hair Dressing
  • Services Seta: FET Certificate Beauty & Nail Technology

Services-related Studies N4-N6

  • Tourism
  • Hospitality

Motheo TVET College Requirements:

National Certificate (Vocational) NQF Levels 2 – 4

  • NC(V) LQF Level 2:
Gr 9 or 12

Report 191 National Certificate N4 (Business and General Studies)

  • Gr 12
  • N3
  • NQF Level 4

Report 191 National Certificate Engineering N4

  • Gr 12 with Mathematics and Science
  • N3 Engineering
  • NQF Level 4

READ ALSO; Which Courses Are Available At Motheo TVET College

Motheo TVET College Contact

c/o St Georges and Aliwal streets Private Bag X20509 Bloemfontein 9300

Central Office: 051 406 9300

visit the official website here


Frank Oduro

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