NSFAS Application

Does NSFAS Fund You If You Failed A Course?

Does NSFAS Fund You If You Failed A Course?

Does NSFAS Fund You If You Failed A Course? Does NSFAS fund you if you fail one subject?

One important source of funding for South African students pursuing higher education is the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS). However, a frequent query from NSFAS participants is whether the programme will still pay them in the event that they drop a course. We will discuss NSFAS’s funding policies in the event of a course failure in this article, along with the actions students can take to guarantee they keep receiving funding.

So will they fund failed courses? Does NSFAS fund you if you fail one subject?

The answer is yes, they will.  According to the NSFAS policy agreement, students must pass at least 50% of their modules as well as meet the academic requirements of their institution in order to continue receiving financial aid during the course of their study period. This means you will be given another opportunity to redo those failed modules, granted you passed 50% of the total modules you were registered for.  Students are granted one year extra of funding should they fail a year in their course. This is according to the N+1 rule which NSFAS currently has in place.

NSFAS’s Policy on Course Failure

NSFAS’s policy on funding in the event of course failure varies depending on the specific circumstances. Here are some important considerations:

  • Academic Achievement:

Academic success is encouraged and expected of NSFAS beneficiaries. Funding may not always be withheld if you fail a single module or course, particularly if you have a track record of excellent academic achievement.

  • Period of Probation:

After a student fails a course, NSFAS may in some circumstances put them on academic probation. The student has the opportunity to raise their academic standing during this time. NSFAS may extend funding if the student shows improvement in their academic performance during the probationary period.

  • Taking Classes Again:

If a student consistently fails the same course, NSFAS funding is less likely to be continued. The number of times a course can be retaken while still receiving funding is frequently limited.

  • Full-Time Position:

Students normally have to remain enrolled full-time in their selected course in order to keep their NSFAS funding. NSFAS eligibility may be impacted if a course failure alters one’s enrollment status.

  • Communication:

Maintaining open lines of communication with NSFAS and the financial aid office at your university is crucial. Should the course not work out, they might be able to provide advice, assistance, or other options.

Steps to Ensure NSFAS Funding Continuation

To increase your chances of continuing to receive NSFAS funding after course failure, consider the following steps:

  • Academic Support: Seek assistance from academic advisors and tutors to improve your performance.
  • Communicate: Keep lines of communication open with your institution’s financial aid office and NSFAS to report any challenges you face.
  • Academic Probation: If placed on academic probation, focus on meeting the conditions set during the probation period.
  • Seek Alternatives: If course failure is a recurring issue, explore other course options or consider changing your field of study.

A number of variables, such as the type of failure and the student’s academic background, influence how NSFAS responds to a course failure. Academic probation and other support measures are among the ways that NSFAS typically encourages students to perform well academically. In order to guarantee the continuation of NSFAS funding, students ought to keep lines of communication open with both NSFAS and their academic institution’s financial aid office, as well as actively pursue academic support. Understanding NSFAS policies is essential to making informed decisions during your studies. NSFAS is still dedicated to assisting South African students in their pursuit of higher education. APPLY NOW


Contact NSFAS

For general, student and NSFAS Wallet enquiries

For all other queries regarding students:

Tel No.: 08000 67327

Email: info@nsfas.org.za

Physical Address

The Halyard, 4 Christiaan Barnard St,

Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8001


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