Does Lyceum Offer NSFAS

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Does Lyceum Offer NSFAS

Does Lyceum have bursary, Does Lyceum Offer NSFAS

One of the biggest and most prestigious private tertiary institutions in South Africa is Lyceum College. and offers a wide range of courses, from business and finance to engineering and IT. For many years, the South African government’s NSFAS programme has assisted students in covering the cost of their college or university studies. The programme has expanded to include many additional universities and colleges in recent years, including the well-known Lyceum College. But does NSFAS fund Lyceum College,  the college is Accredited by The Council on Higher Education (CHE) and Registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).

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Is Lyceum College Funded by NSFAS?

Yes, Lyceum College is funded by NSFAS. Students who meet the eligibility requirements for the programme can utilise the funds from the college, which is one of the recognised institutions for NSFAS, to pay for their tuition, housing, and other fees.

Who Should Apply For Lyceum NSFAS

If you are a citizen of South Africa, intend to enrol in school in 2024, or if you are enrolled in a public university or TVET college and you match the following criteria, you are eligible for an NSFAS bursary:

  • The bursary is only applicable to selected programmes on offer and covers the value of that programme.
  • Applicable to first-year programme entrants only.
  • Citizens or long-term inhabitants of South Africa
  • Recipients of SASSA grants
  • Candidates whose annual gross household income combined is not greater than R350 000
  • individuals with disabilities whose annual gross family income is not greater than R600,000.
  • Both a cell phone number and email address are required.

What NSFAS Will Pay For At Lyceum College

If your financing application is approved, NSFAS will pay for the following expenses:

  • Accommodation
  • Living allowance
  • Learning material allowance
  • Personal care allowance

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Lyceum College Contact | 0861 819 211

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