Apply To Mnambithi TVET College

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Apply To Mnambithi TVET College

Apply To Mnambithi TVET College: Apply to Mnambithi TVET College 2024

Are you thinking of applying to Mnambithi TVET College to further your education there or change your school to advance it there? This post will give you the information you need to begin your application procedures including the admission requirements. They offer the best courses that fit the demands of the market.

Let’s walk you through the application step-by-step procedures and by the end of this article you will be able to make the right decision submit your application to the college and get your chance to achieve your career goals. Apply to Mnambithi TVET College 2024

Mnambithi TVET College Application Date

The online enrollment date runs from September 1st through September 30th. Interested students are encouraged to submit their applications before the deadline of the admission period, since late applications may not be considered for the next academic year.

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Courses offered at Mnambithi TVET College

Listed below are the courses offered at Mnambithi TVET College for the upcoming academic year:

National Certificate (Vocational) NC(V)

  1. Electrical Infrastructure Construction
  2. Finance, Economics & Accounting
  3. Office Administration
  4. Education & Development
  5. Information Technology & Computer Science
  6. Hospitality
  7. Tourism
  8. Safety in Society

Report 191 (NATED)

  1. Business Management
  2. Financial Management
  3. Human Resource Management
  4. Hospitality
  5. Tourism
  6. Public Management
  7. Management Assistant
  8. Electrical Engineering

Requirements for Applying Online at Mnambithi TVET College

Entrants who are willing and ready to apply online should provide valid admission requirements to make their applications complete:

  • Copy of your valid Identification Document
  • Your passport if you are an international student
  • Copy of your guardian’s Identification Document
  • Your national senior certificate if you have matriculated
  • Your latest school qualification
  • Complete and sign the consent form

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How to Apply Online at Mnambithi TVET College

Applicants preparing to apply to the college to get admission should follow these simple procedures to submit their applications:

  • Begin by visiting the official website of the Mnambithi TVET College you are interested in. Navigate to the ‘Admissions’ or ‘Apply Online’ section.
  • Mnambithi TVET College requires applicants to create an online account. This involves providing basic information such as your name, email address, and a secure password.
  • Browse through the list of courses offered by the college and choose the one that aligns with your career goals. Ensure that you meet the entry requirements for your selected course.
  • Fill out the online application form accurately, providing all the required information. Double-check your details to avoid errors that may affect the processing of your application.
  • Attach the necessary documents and any other materials requested by the college. Ensure that these documents are clear and legible.
  • Once you have reviewed and confirmed all the information, submit your application through the online portal.

Contact Details for Mnambithi TVET College

  • Physical Address:  77 Murchison Street, Ladysmith, 3370
  • Telephone: +27 36 631 0360
  • Fax: +2736 631 4146
  • Email:

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I hope this content was helpful to you kindly leave your opinion in the comment section. You can visit the official website for more information and also get in touch with the school through the contact details provided above.

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